Thursday, September 17, 2015


Me, sending Daniel on his bike to go get Jase: So, what do you say if someone stops you and says, "Hey, your Mom sent me over so you could help me. My puppy is missing. Could you help me find him?"
Daniel: I'd say, "Sure!"
Me, blanching: No! I would never send a stranger to pick you up. You would scream and yell and ride your bike home as fast as you could!

I can't tell you how many times we've talked about this through the years. I really thought he had it! Then I thought back to the last time we all talked about it...we were driving down 9th and I was giving them scenarios and they would yell back, "NO! Stay away! Help!" etc. But the more I thought of that moment in time...I can hear Loreli yelling and carrying on, but I see Daniel in my mind's eye...zoning out, staring into space, overwhelmed by the noise, his sister's intensity and the small space we were in.

The brain of a traumatized child is an interesting thing, no? Thinking of all the things that I need to re-teach.

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