Thursday, March 6, 2014


Daniel stayed home from school today with a cold. I had a moment of panic, so much to get done and today would be spent on the couch! Gah! Washing the breakfast dishes, I looked over at Daniel curled up on the couch watching TV. He caught my eye and smiled—and it clicked. Oh. I see. Today I get to cuddle on the couch with my boy.

The day went on easily and included a wonderful, uplifting call with my student coach (thank you, thank you Caroline!!!) but by the late afternoon I had received a phone call that a dear friend’s dog had been diagnosed with kidney disease, Brad came home in a mood, and a text with my brother proved he was in the same mood. Goodness. I could feel my head click on and over-ride how my heart felt. A “mood” started creeping over me. I went downstairs to work on a few things. I was sitting at my computer starting to stew when Onya barreled down the stairs, nearly crashing into my desk in her hurry. She ruffed at me. I looked over at her, she bowed and ruffed again, tail in the air, “No! Don’t go there! Come on, let’s get outside. Remember to get out of your head and into your heart!” I continued to look at her and she stared into my eyes. “Okay, let’s go.”

The kids were quiet and content, watching a show. I called Midgie and out we went. We headed over to the rarely used railroad tracks and started walking. I kept telling myself to stay in my heart, what things made my heart sing this week? Seeing the printer's proof of my business cards, creating four new flavors of cupcakes and photographing them, finding out that a hospice patient had crossed peacefully during the night after we had a Reiki session, writing two blog posts, visiting Rayn and having her reach out with her nose wanting a kiss from me, and now: watching the dogs, tongues hanging, tails waving, joyful. Catching the last rays of sunshine, looking forward to daylight savings time this weekend, feeling spring in the air. My heart was full and I was thankful that my girlie got me out of the house.

I walked on the track and laughed as I lost my balance and fell off. I stepped back on and tried again. Off and on. Off and on. I thought about balance in my life. How I had been going a thousand miles an hour and would have continued at that pace but Daniel got sick. I needed a little balance. Take a breath, see my son, watch my dogs running and laughing together. There’s always enough time. Everything gets done. I’m always amazed by that. Everything always gets done.

The dogs and I headed back and I found heart rocks, I'm always on the lookout. Get out of your head and into your heart. Do what feels good. What makes your heart sing?

When I stepped into the house, there was Brad, smiling at me, the bad mood gone. I smiled back. He said, “Feel better? You walked up the front steps smiling!”

Today I was told, "Keep that inner pocket of joy, it's truly contagious!" I guess she was right!

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