Monday, January 26, 2015

Clarity, Introversion and Public Speaking

In 2000 I whispered my marriage vows to the man I love. Hello, my name is Julia. I’m an introvert. ("Hiiiii, Julia!") In looking at Clean Sweep, Week 4, I decided to choose an item in the Well Being section: "I have no habits, which are unacceptable to me." My habit is forever saying, "I hate speaking in public!"

I’ve been doing a short meditation everyday for about four months now—a little grounding and then running through each chakra. It only takes five minutes and, as promised by meditation gurus around the world, is life altering. For about two months, at my throat chakra, I’ve been concentrating on clear speech and clear writing. Recently the words coming to me felt more specific: clarity of speech and clarity in writing.

I wasn’t sure what this all meant until I had a coaching session and up from the depths of my soul came this need to speak my truth in public, a knowing that I could, and a way for me to learn it (at the time, I thought Toastmasters). Whaaat? I laughed out loud when I realized what I was saying. I told some friends and one of them told me about a public speaking coach in Boulder. Turns out, there are people who can teach you how to speak in public and enjoy it and Johanna Walker had a free class a few days later. I went, did her exercises, was fascinated and a little scared, and signed up for three, 3 hour workshops. In looking at my daily meditation, it appears I’m getting what I’m focusing on and it’s coming into my life in some very unexpected ways!

The goal is to be able to speak at "heritage camps", where families of international adoption gather all over the United States to learn more about their children’s heritage. My vision is to speak to these parents about my calling: partnering with horses to help adopted families find healing and wholeness. The whole idea makes me giggle with happiness, makes my palms sweaty, and I can't stop smiling when I think about it!

Once upon a time, I whispered my marriage vows.

I am done whispering.

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